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Black Girl singing the songs that have been buried in her heart all her life. Come share with me all the ups and downs that we all go through. White, Latino Asian, let's all sing the Black Girl Song. This is basically the story of survival of the phoenix rising from the ashes again and again...and again.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Always Starting All Over Again

One thing I have learned that I love so much about life is that everyday is the opportunity to start all over again. No matter what you have done in your lifewith daybreak comes the chance to do it right. For me that meansacknowledging that life is a process and the choices I make today are making me better than before or worse. I'm trying to get better as opposed to bitter but like the hip-hop classic goes:"It's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how I keep from going under." I know that everything happens for a reason and that it will all work together in the end (for them that love the Lord). Sometimes I get scared and sometimes I get weary, but the last entry in my old blog said that I was getting used to being in my skin and enjoying loving myself, finding myself, and accepting myself. It's a wonderful journey (remember the statement life is a journey, not a destination). I was in the race for a long time, but now I take time to smell the flowers. I've loved and lost and felt as though I've never loved at all. It's amazing how easy it is to forget how it feels to be in love. But when I wake up in the morning I remind myself that I am my sweetheart now. And I have to be good to myself, honest with myself, accountable for myself, in order to build trust within myself. Thank you so much for being a part of this journey. I hope you will enjoy these blogs as much as I love posting. Welcome Back. It's a new day, make the best of the 24 you've got. This blog is all in preparation for the upcoming poetry book: Freedom Rings: A Black Girl Song, Vol. I coming out Easter Weekend 2008- if you can plan to be in Columbus that weekend. Give me some feedback. Peace and God Bless.

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