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Black Girl singing the songs that have been buried in her heart all her life. Come share with me all the ups and downs that we all go through. White, Latino Asian, let's all sing the Black Girl Song. This is basically the story of survival of the phoenix rising from the ashes again and again...and again.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Knowing God in these Uncertain Times

It's been rough, ya'll, battling the flu. I really don't know what's going on in the atmospheric pressure but it was 60 degrees on Sunday and now it's snowing like it's Christmas. I just try to make sure that I am working on my relationship with God because things in this World are growing increasingly uncertain. I'm shocked and extatic about how Obama is doing nationwide. His message of Change and Truth is resonating. I knew he was electrifying and powerful, but I must admit, I never thought White men would embrace him the way they have. Perhaps, since he is half-white and half-african, they don't see him as being "black." Whatever it is, I just hope that the man is all he seems to be...Then perhaps we will have a fighting chance.

My jewels for today surround my struggle with sprituality/religion/Christianity. Most people know that my Dad is a Baptist minister and my Mom was a Pentacostal missionary growing up. I left the faith when I was in college and became disenchanted with organized religion. My oldest daughters father lacked faith and was very influential in picking apart my belief in Christ. In this case what I didn't know hurt me and crippled my ability to stand up for something I had believed so wholeheartedly. As I learned about Karl Marx and religion being the "opiate of the masses" I felt duped. My new intellectualism eventually gave way to hedonism and I began to indulge in sex, drugs and lascivitous living (I can say that now and still run for President someday thanks to Obama).

My lifestyle led me to unplanned pregnancy, failing grades in college, rape, STDs, despair, and self-loathing. But one day, when I had finally had enough of the darkness, I had a personal encounter with Christ. Like David in the Psalms, I sought the Lord with my whole heart and He heard my disparing cry. I felt the love and the presence of God in a way I cannot describe. Many people who have a conversion experience talk of the same feeling. I tell people who doubt the validity of God- just call him sincerely- He will make himself known to you. Anyway, I searched for answers to the question of why people go to church and yet are hypocrites and I found the answer in the Bible.

If you have your Bible, turn with me to the Book of Luke, chapter 8 when you have it say amen. (I love when they say that at church, I just always wanted to say that) If you don't have a Bible, there are plenty of online Bible sites, including Crosswalk.com. When you have a chance, read verses 1-19, but for the sake of brevity: I'm just concentrating on verses 11-16. Basically Jesus is telling the disciples why some people can hear the Word of the Lord and the message of salvation and not have any change.

Vs. 12- Some hear, but the enemy comes and takes the Word from their heart before they can accept Christ. I know many people who don't believe in anything anymore. Life has been so cruel to them that they can't concieve of a Savior, a good life, or anything better than where they have been. These people are never even open to the idea of a Savior who will love them unconditionally and provide them with a better life.

Va. 13-Next, there are those who hear, and recieve the Word with joy, but they have no root and when they are tempted they fall away. These are the people who find Christ and then they are so excited. But as soon as they have a bad day, or experience dissapointment, they are back at the club, or back drinking and smoking, to heck with going to Church. They didn't realize that a relationship with Christ is just that- a relationship. This is not like drugs- you take it and feel better without dealing with your problems. There are ups and downs to life, but the point to Christ is not that he will take the bad away, but that He is there through the good and bad times.

Vs. 15-Next there are some who go to church, but they never grow to manifest Christ because of the cares, riches and pleasures of this life. Instead of focusing on what they can become through the Kingdom of God, they are burdened with all the problems and issues of the World, and consequently, they do not grow. These are the mean Ushers and Deacons that we know that keep us from wanting to go to church. They are mean because their eyes are on themselves and thier problems instead of God and the solutions.

Vs. 16-Finally, those who are on good ground have a honest and good heart and keep the Word in their heart. These are the people whose lives bring forth fruit with patience. These are the quiet Christians, the ones whose faith makes a difference but they don't have to proselytize. The lady who smiled at you for no reason; the stranger who paid for my dinner one night; the many angels who touch our lives without looking for anything in return. They have allowed the Word of God to transform them and they aspire to help change the World. No one embodies this more than Barack Obama in today's society. His quiet, gentle manner makes you listen and believe what He says. After a self-serving President, who didn't even try to appease his critics, it is refreshing to see someone so meek and humble.

No one can make an overnight metamorphisis, but change without Christ is very hard. I invite you to explore a relationship with Jesus Christ. Accept Him into your heart and try His love for yourself. It was the best decision I could have made: after Islam, Yoruba, Santaria, Voodoo, Ba'hism, Confucism, Rastafarianism, Catholism, you name it I tried it, there was only one who could soothe me in my midnight hour and calm my restless soul. Knowing Jesus isn't about being perfect, in fact, because of His grace and Mercy we don't have to be. But we do have to try evach and every day to be a little more like Him.

I've never discussed my personal relationship in such a public forum, but I just wanted to drop a little gem and let you know that He is waiting with open arms. Try Jesus. If He doesn't work, you can always go back to what you've been doing. I love you so much that I wanted to share my gift...

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